Mayura Ayurvedic Centre

Healing Touch of Ayurveda !!

Ayurvedic Treatments

Mayura Thekkady

Ayurveda, in Sanskrit, signifies “A Science of life”, this old study of solution and positive Health initially Originated in India is still applicable and helpful to cutting edge lives……….


Healing Touch of Ayurveda !

Ayurveda, in Sanskrit, signifies “A Science of life”, this old study of solution and positive Health initially Originated in India is still applicable and helpful to cutting edge lives. Not only an arrangement of preventive medication, ayurveda accentuates on an invigorating and illuminated way of life an idea that is increasing wide acknowledgment in India as well as over the globe.

Ayurveda is not simply a health care system but a form of lifestyle adopted to maintain perfect balance and harmony within the human existence, from the most abstract transcendental values to the most concrete physiological expressions. Based on the premise that life represents an intelligent co-ordination of the Atma (Soul), Mana (Mind), Indriya (Senses) and Sharira (Body). That revolves around the five dense elements that go into the making of the constitution of each individual, called Prakriti. Which in turn is determined by the vital balance of the three physical energies – Vata, Pitta, Kapha and the three mental energies – Satwa, Rajas, Tamas.

The Hindu God of creation revealed the science of ayurveda to the sage Atreya. Ayurveda thus offers a unique blend of science and philosophy that balances the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components necessary for holistic health.




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